Monday, June 24, 2013

Self Esteem Sale

So I went on a rampage and collected several large boxes of toys, clothes, equipment, products and as I was ready to leave and drop them at a local charity I sent out a desperate plea that went something like "I have held on to these toys and clothes this long hoping deeply that a friend will get pregnant so I can pass them to them instead and I'm 20 mins from giving them to charity and this is your last chance. If there is ANYONE I know having a baby then step forward and take these from me now before they are gone".

Nothing magical happened in the minutes ahead. No surprise phone call, text, email or facebook update. So I bundled them in the car. The first charity bin on the way to my sons daycare (where I had to stop off for an appointment) was full so I drove on planning to get to my daycare appointment then drive on to the next charity bin after that.

As I waited for my appointment my son's daycare teacher came out to let me know the person I was waiting for would be delayed a few minutes. I got chatting and mentioned I had a car full of charity items and asked if the daycare has a use for any of them. He followed me to the car and said some of the items may be of interest but he wasn't sure which then BAM I realised, his wife is pregnant. So I said gosh, forget the daycare centre, you take what you want and anything left over can go to the centre if you think it's useful for them. 5 minutes the car was empty and my heart was full knowing they had all gone to a person who cares for my son 3 days a week with much love. What had I not thought of this!?

Crazy how stuff works, but you know what, that sincere intention, often in the form of a desperate plee followed by resignation to faith, always, always results in a response from the universe and often never the response I expected but always, a perfect solution to the brief I gave it. "Take these toys and clothes to someone I know and want to have them".


The pile commences....

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Self Esteem 'Sale' - to the Universe - Because I'm Worth It

So the charity sale has been fun so far! Felt amazing. Then got listening to my "Think and Grow Rich" audio book and revisited a chapter where I'm reminded not to focus on charities or poverty. Well, I considered deeply, I did it with awareness that I wasn't focusing on charities or poverty, it was all about me practicing the Law of Attraction principles of giving away and receiving and I was focused on the joy of giving. However, I do notice, that it took a lot of time and my focus is still giving abundance not receiving it and I really want to move my attention to creating the life I really want and less on getting rid of the life I don't want.

After the initial buzz passed I realised, the buzz was from giving. Not from raising money for charity, but just from giving with no expectation of receiving money for what I was giving. How much of that time could I have instead spent on making new music, doing my online job, visualising my new life etc. if I'd just given it away quickly instead of launching a charity sale? I would still have the buzz of giving it away and less public attention and more time to create the life I want.

Although the sale isn't finished yet I've already achieved my goal:  to increase my faith in the law of attraction. Within hours of me launching the sale another buyer on the site who had already committed to a previous sale from me text me to say what a great idea and did I still want the trampoline I commented on a few weeks ago... the trampoline... well I never commented back as I had no money to buy and didn't even know if I'd be allowed to have it in our apartment building yard. She commented that instead of selling it she was happy to give it to me. How wonderful I said, but I have no way of even picking it up. Oh my husband will drop it off for you she replied. Wow. The trampoline was worth more than I had raised for charity so far. Ok  it was almost a direct return in that she saw me giving so she gave to me... so that doesn't test the theory in more abstract terms but it's a pretty nice instant hit of encouragement. And I think that is all I needed for this exercise.

I admitted I didn't even reply to her offer when she text me as I was confronted with feelings of not being worthy, or embarrassment at taking something for free. Or is it that I'm not worthy? My memory flicked back to a webinar I watched last week by Natalie Ledwell from Mind Movies where she shared that of the ten top limiting beliefs people have, they often relate back to these three:
1. If I try I'll fail
2. If I do not one will want me
3. I'm not worthy
and I noted immediately scanned all my limited beliefs and it was painfully obvious that they all had their genesis in a deep seated belief that I'm not worthy (because I didn't grow up with a father who was there for me and showed his love for me). How bizarre. And what a rotten belief it is to have considering I'm here, a single mum so deeply committed to ensuring my son doesn't grow up without a dad or, growing up with the emotional baggage I had.  I need to toss this in a big hurry!

So with all these reflections in mind it occurred to me my house, full of 'stuff'  I have to sell for money meanwhile I'm tripping over them and not feeling free, just needs to be cleared, but I don't even feel worthy enough to get rid of stuff I don't want anymore.

There are things I can sell - but will take me considerable time and focus to do that - if I felt worthy I would just give them away and enjoy the buzz and know I will get whatever I need when I need it.

There are body products I've not touched for years since learning about their toxicity while they were in storage and I was adjusting to my new lifestyle of being a breastfeeding mother and reading books like "Chemical Free Kids" by Dr Sarah Lantz. So I don't want to use them on my body but I feel I can't throw them out... why? I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy of better products on my skin? Its more worthy to not be wasteful then to protect my child and myself from these toxic products? Wow. And I'm not worthy of having a home empty of these burdens from the past? Wow?


So today, my approach changes. Today, the reminder of items not yet in the Charity Sale and all the products I just don't want to use on myself or my child are being given away or thrown out in the QUICKEST most time effective manner I can move them on with.

THIS, is my SELF ESTEEM SALE to the Universe.

Because, not only I am worth it, I'm also 'worth it' to receive anything I need in future in place of the things I'm giving away. And I can find away of giving them away without being wasteful so others can still take advantage of them and I haven't wasted time or focus giving them away. And for anything I put in the bin, I really don't want ANYONE on earth to use them, because, they are worth more too.

Much love to you all.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Risk One

So for the last few months, each fortnight I  have been sitting with just $10 in my pocket, often not accessible in my bank account for up to 10 days until I'm paid again.

I've been making money by selling toys my son has grown out of online and it occurred to me this week that it was time to apply the Law of Attraction principles and take a great risk when I needed money the most.

So I have now posted a Charity Toy Sale on a Facebook Toys Buy Swap Sell Giveaway site and asked buyers to pay the selling price to a charity, instead of me.

This idea came about after a dear friend donated many toys to my son just asking that when I was finished with them I would donate to charity. I realised if I sell the items and donate the profit instead, the charity would receive more money because of less overheads and processing costs plus the fact, I noticed, people were paying more for second hand toys on Facebook than they were from charity stores!

The truth is, I got the idea to send my items to charity along with hers MONTHS ago and I've sat on the idea for this long tossing up the risks and benefits knowing I needed the money so much and never fully committing to the act of giving my toys up nor even giving her toys to a charity. Now finally today the loss of space (as they are piled up in boxes around me in a tiny apartment) has become too much to bear and it's been the final catalyst I needed to take the plunge. I've also had a bit of extra time up my sleeve today to launch it all... Actually that time was meant to be used making money online via a little online job I have (doing website search engine optimisation SEO) and would have pocketed me $90.

But instead of giving just her toys to charity, and using today to make $90 I'm sitting with just $10 in my pocket for 10 days again, and have listed my own toys for charity as well. 

Exhilarating risk for a single mum who needs to provide for a child and has no one to run to.

I feel much excitement, goodwill and sheer fear and terror at the act. Had I not put these toys up for charity I would have certainty that I have money to buy food with for the next week which I know I will need to attract or earn ASAP. But I've decided now is the time to place my full faith in the principles and apply them to attracting money. Follow my Law of Attraction success story!

So as soon as I posted it two items sold for a total of $40. I'm so excited!

Today I 'needed' to spend the day making money and instead I've spent it doing this but I feel really energised, exhilarated and wealthy. If this is the beginning I'm off to a GREAT start!

And So It's Time the Law of Attraction Money Journey Began

This year I became a Law of Attraction certified coach after gaining my Certified Law of Attraction Basic Practitioner award by Dr Joe Vitale and Steve V Jones. What does that mean? Well, just that aside from all the books I've read on the topic it means I also completed a Law of Attraction course in how to practice and coach the principles and passed an exam to get my certificate.

I'm inspired by the success I've had applying these principles in my life up to this point. Mostly prior and some after completing my certificate. The stories are remarkable and have left me with a deep faith in the principles.

One thing I've not done yet is apply the principles to making money so this year I have decide to consolidate all my resources and knowledge which has been shared with me and utilise these techniques and resources to get the dream life I've been putting off having and hopefully inspire others to do the same and join in the fun.

Follow my success journey :)